Monday, 27 May 2013

Farewell and So Long!

Howdy all!

Its been a while as I've been lost to Dragon painting, alcohol and Rumblings but I'm back to say a not so fond goodbye to the old High Elf book.

It turns out High Elf Core was not the only Core to suck balls...
On the weekend, I had my last ever run out with the old book at the Rumble in the Bronx tournament in Geelong. The overall tournament was fraking ace! A bar on site at a tournament is something I've missed so very much from the UK. Not to get smashed, mind you, just its so good to have a nice Beer or two with your Warhammer. There is not much better in my opinion. It just lightens up the whole mood a bit, where often I think people get a bit too serious in tournaments.

As for myself, I had some pretty mixed results due to taking a pretty left field list, as I was struggling for enthusiasm to run the requisite 40 archer core... In the end I took a a Nullstone Lord (always amusing) with a Dragon Prince "bus", archers and some Bolt throwers and Eagles. I also made a massive mistake in taking High Magic on my Level 2, and proceeded to only once roll a spell other than Shield or Courage...

My results were:

11-9 Win vs Mark Skiltons Bugman scouting Dwarfs

Basically I avoided Marks big scouting Longbeard bus as long as I could while killing everything else but the Dragon Princes with BSB, decided they couldn't kill a Grudge Thrower in one round and got mashed. The severely unfair comp boost I received (I got +3 to final battle score) lifted a small loss to the win

12-8 win vs Empire

Dragon Princes somehow ground the two units of Knights off the table, despite wiffing on the charge (sadly one knight got away on T6...) but I couldn't finish the big infantry blocks off while losing too much on the way out. However a glorious last turn in which the Chaffmasters killed the Mage Lord, BSB and Paedohunter, and finally getting the Cannon and Helblaster with archers/reavers got me the win.

12-8 vs Lizards

Party Slaan and Friends. Despite losing my BSB to Final Transmutation T1 (seriously every bloody time!) I cleaned up all the Skinks by T2 and played avoid the Saurus Block and Stegadon for 4 turns. Nullstone came up big time charging into the Slaan and stopping his magic for 3 turns :-). Sadly however he decided to die to a bad touch from the frog on turn 6 (having lost two wounds to Rocks earlier) giving my opponent his Boast (his was to kill him, mine was him to live...) and the 4 bonus pts dragged me back.

Just wanna say, I seriously don't understand why people find Lizards so hard to beat? Maybe I need to write a "Lizardmen for Dummies" blogpost at some point

13-7 loss to High Elves

Nick ran 2 Sun Dragons, and had no sleep the night before due to the Champions League final, and somehow I still managed to play worse than he did... Made so many Muppet mistakes its not funny and got the beating I deserved. I was only saved by Nick going for the big points on the last turn to kill my Lord with the Dragon Mages Sun Dragon and taking its last wounds before he could strike.

13-7 loss to TKS

Just not a great matchup for my Elves. Greg had 2 Sphinx, a Bonegiant, 2x8 Chariots and 2 Scorpions. I either had to roll 6s to win or I'd struggle. I did not roll 6s... The Scorpions then ran riot through my Archers and while the Bus killed one block of Chariots, the Giant and a Sphinx I lost everything else. Such is the luck of the dice. Really fun game though and I gave Greg my Best Sports vote.

12-8 win vs Wood Elves.

Combat Archers ftw baby! In the process of trying to just hold up the Wildrider bus Johannes was running into my backline, one unit of archers somehow managed to first hold and then break the bus, much to the shear and utter astonishment of everyone and their dog (Okay the Nullstone and a Shield of Saphery may have helped but thats not the point here...). Johannes then ran away with everything else to keep me to a small win.

So overall I went 4-2, but only managed to get 61 Battle Pts which with help from an overly picky paint scoring system pushed me down to 22nd/36. Given I knew I'd taken a seriously bad list I was happy to get over half points, but I seriously need to run a list that can push for the big wins as I'm getting really tired of small wins and not being able to clean anything up... For all, I'm winning games and not losing very big if it happens, I can't recall the last tournament game I scored over 14 and it seriously impacts the overall position.

In general though, after a couple practice games with the new book, I just sat there thinking how constrained the whole army was by the core tax. To be honest, it seriously annoyed me by the end of game 6. But that's that, the last time I ever take more than 20 archers in a High Elf army, and the last time I ever get to re-roll a Great Weapon attack with a Swordmaster... Onwards and upwards, into the lands of choice and variety and fun. I can't wait to start playing with the Swedish comp rules for Convic, if they ever actually get released.

We'sa coming, okiday!

Sunday, 12 May 2013

It's Game Time, Baby!!!

Hey gang, today's blog is gonna be a few disparate hobby thoughts and some HE gaming discussion, because that's what the internet is for at the moment.

My hobby time this week has been rather alot of Dragon painting time. Its slow going but one wing is done and looking great. Maybe in the far reaches of time the whole thing will be done and I'll have some photos for you guys...

No, Not this Dragon. Painting them would be creepy and weird...

So I've played a couple of games with very different lists this week, and its given me a couple of early lessons, and ideas.

Game 1 was against Ben Wadsworth, the Shirts Off guru himself.

I took a Monster Mash list with:

Star Dragon Lord,
Griffon Hero,
Eagle BSB
Scroll Caddy
4 x Reavers
Silver Helm bus
Small bunker of Sisters

Game went swimmingly until Turn 3. I killed all of Bens chaff and all Warmachines but 1 doom diver for the loss of only my BSB to a flying Goblin and was in perfect position to clean up the Savages with 4 monsters but the Giant Hairy foot of an Orc God came down and ruined me, killing the Star Dragon and Lord 10/11 Silver Helms (the champ then getting a DD to the face) and most of the Sister bunker sending them fleeing. To top it off the Griffon fluffed against a Boltie meaning he couldnt overrun into the Spider Gobbo with Flaming Ward who then ran down the Flame Phoenix. So I lost about 1200 odd points in one turn and was soundly crushed by T4... Never seen anything like it!

Love the list, and playstyle, it was crazy to have such a high speed army.
Its not as fragile as I thought it might be. Ben had two shooting phases and didn't do much. I can see it being very hit miss in gunline games but I think I can work around it. I like the Flame Phoenix for sitting in front of the other monsters to take the hits and possibly come back to life afterwards.
Frostheart Phoenix isn't a combat monster, its a combat buff. Mine got stuck against a Troll for several rounds because I kept fluffing. Was never in danger of death but it really struggles by itself, and need tos combo with other units. Yes I can see it being amazing with the Star Dragon but I'm just not sure that its worth 240 pts for the buff when you get a decent unit of something else for the same pts. Will continue to play though.
Reaver Core is everything I'd hoped for. Happy James is happy!!! the 4 units pretty much took control of the table and chaff game and still had a spare unit to go after Bens warmachines. Think it may be worth it to get Bows on them for more options though. I honestly see no need for Eagles in a HE army anymore...

Game 2 vs Elliot Yung with Dark Elves

I took a much more balanced army this time:

Level 4 Book of Hoeth
BSB with Reaver Bow/Potion of Strength
Griffon Noble
4 x 5 Reavers with Bow/Spears
20 Archers
19 White Lions
2 x 7 Swordmasters
3 Bolt Throwers
6 Sisters

Elliot had a pretty damn soft army led by Malekith in a horde of Spears and I dismantled it effectively killing everything but Malekith and the BSB, but I think I still learnt some things.

Magic was insane. Loremaster + Level 4 high was nuts. I rolled decently for magic phases and was casting 4-5 spells a turn. Book was a massive failure, as I kept rerolling 1s with 1s etc. but being happy to cast with 1-2 dice for spells I'd generally chuck an extra dice at is ace. I will happily say its pretty much about right for points to beneift though. Its really not any better than Banner of Sorcery/ +1 to dispel though.

Not entirely sure about High Magic over some of the Rulebook lores either. Didn't roll the Augments and had to go Direct Damage heavy. Worked a treat vs armourless elves (Tempest is Crazy vs light armour units for a 12+ cast) but against Monstrous Cav/Heavy armour armies, it will be pretty shit...

Loremaster is a brilliant Swiss army knife and will be the tournament go to choice. The huge range of spells meant he could debuff the world or turn into a gatling gun of magic missiles as needed. keep him cheap with just a Scroll to go with the Level 4 and you're set. No need to waste time on combat stuff or armour imo.

6 Sisters was great. Dirt cheap way to get the flaming shots to go with the Bolt Throwers and basically put the Hydra out of the game with the threat. -2 armour meant they killed a bunch of Cold One knights too.

Reaver Bow/Potion of Strength combo was a bit meh. Turn I used it I missed 2/3 shots. Save the points and just cast Wildform on his unit.

Griffon hero is a winner. Think I'm gonna take one in most lists. Cheap and cheerful, No magic items (or just Charmed Shield?) leave him on a flank and watch him go. Killing chaff and aiming for Mage bunkers; also needs a decent amount of attention from your opponent to deal with.

So thats the thoughts for now, more to come as I get games in.

I have also submitted my list for Rumble in the Bronx. Sadly I'm stuck using the old High Elf book, so I've decided totake a slightly wack job list as trying to play seriously with that shithouse army sounds painful. Can't wait to not take "Archer Core" ever again...

Prince on Barded Elven Steed, Great Weapon, Dragon Armour, Shield, Nullstone

Noble on Barded Elven Steed, Great Weapon, Dragon Armour, Shield, Helm of Fortune, Guardian Phoenix
Level 2 - High Magic, Scroll, Amulet of Light

11 Archers - Flame Banner
10 Archers
10 Archers
10 Archers

8 Dragon Princes Banner of Ellyrion, Potion of Foolhardiness
7 Swordies with Talisman of Loec
6 Reavers

2 Boltthrowers
2 Eagles

So yes, its a bit different and probably shit, but I really don't care... There's gonna be another Nullstone at the tournament too, as Aaron Graham has similar thoughts about the old book :-P Think this must be some kind of record!

Appreciate your thoughts on anything, and catch ya later boys and girls'

Friday, 3 May 2013

OMFG, ITS HERE!!! Initial list designs

Dragontime, baby!
So, its finally fucking here and the list building has begun. I'll break down the army later but here's the first of my brainstorming sessions. I'm going with 2400 pts as thats about standard tournament level. I'd love it there were some 2500 pt tournies around, as 25 pts makes the Star Dragon so much better, but such is life...

The All Mounted Funtimes:

Prince on Star Dragon, Lance, Heavy Armour, Lion Cloak, Charmed Shield, Talisman of Preservation

Sadly still a bit tight on the points to really do it right, but this gets decent protection on the Prince, to hopefully live long enough for for the Dragon to kill some shit. Sadly couldn't afford the Dragon Armour, but 1+/4++ vs shooting should get him there. 3+/4++ in combats still a bit iffy but this will be played around with after a few games.

Noble on Barded Steed, BSB, Dragon Armour, Enchanted Shield, Dawnstone, Sword of Might

1+ rerollable and an additional magic weapon, gives him some killing power to run around behind the Dragon.

Level 2 on Steed, High Magic, Dispel Scroll, Ring of Fury

Mounted to keep up, runs around blasting away with the Ring and whatever I get from spells, but mainly there to buff/heal the Dragon. Ethereal Dragontime anyone?

5 Reavers 
5 Reavers 
5 Reavers 
5 Reavers 

You all get the gist. Eagles that are from Core pts? Yes, please!

11 Silver Helms w/ Full Command

Was thinking of running all Reaver core, but I really need another supporting combat block for the Dragon and another Champ to take challenges.

7 Dragon Princes of Caledor w/ Full Command, Banner of the World Dragon

That banner is way to good to pass up so I could never leave it behind. The ability to utterly neuter large parts of many armies is silly good! Princes give me some damage punch too

Lothern Skycutter w/ Eagle Eye Bolt Thrower

Mobile Bolt Thrower that can scare the crap out of Knights/MC units by getting into the flanks. Some S5 impact hits are also nothing to complain about.

Flamespyre Phoenix
Flamespyre Phoenix

Just an amazingly versatile unit. They can smash deeply ranked units that could lock me up in combat, like Slaves/Empire blocks etc and otherwise can support charge with the Dragon or fly over to hit Warmachines. I know several players rate the Frostheart higher, and the stat boost for 15 pts is crazy, but Rebirth and killing ranks is important to this army.

So thats the first list and pretty much the one I'll be aiming to play at Convic if I can get it into the Swedish comp system and my Phoenix arrive in time.  Zoom, Zoom, Zoom!!!

Next up, we have a slightly more combined arms list that would probably be more solid but less enjoyable

Archmage, Level 4, High Magic, Book of Hoeth

Can 1-2 dice half the spells in the lore, yes please. Very tempting to go Light though.

Loremaster, Dispel Scroll, Armour of Caledor

Just so many uses...

Noble, BSB, Halberd, Dragon Armour, Shield, Reaver Bow

May as well be doing something from the back lines. Wildform makes it S6 shots too

Noble on Eagle w/ Swiftsense, Heavy Armour, Shield, Lion Cloak, Starlance, Dragonhelm

Quick, hard hitting Cavalry Killer. At 180 pts, I'm okay with him being killed too. Casting Ethereal and flying 20" behind the lines is all kinds of amazeballs too. Eagles getting Swiftsense is farking fantastic as they always get their attacks when he gets challenged out.

21 Archers w/ Muso, Standard

Bunker at the back, for some of the characters

5 Silver Helms w/Shields, Muso
5 Silver Helms w/Shields, Muso
5 Silver Helms w/Shields, Muso

 Just fantastic little units that can kill chaff easily and sweep the back lines of units like Terradons, chamo Skinks, Shades etc. Also work very well as chaff when needed

6 Shadow Warriors

Just a little cheap annoyance unit. Run them down the back line after Warmachines and other stuff like that.

7 Swordmasters
7 Swordmasters

Chaffmasters are still awesome regardless of losing ASF rerolls. 78 points for 12 S5 attacks is fantastic.

21 White Lions, w/ Full Command, Banner of the World Dragon. 

They still get 21 S6 attacks w/ Stubborn, and a 2+ Ward vs ridiculous amounts of stuff is crazy. Stubborn also makes them a pain in the arse. I still think they are great with or without rerolls.

2 Bolt Throwers
10 Sisters of Avelorn

Some solid pewpew vs armour and gives me the flaming attacks for Regen stuff.

So there we go, the first two lists that I've come up with off the bat. Theres probably a somethings I'm missing so let me know your thoughts.

Laters, guys!