Wednesday, 24 April 2013

The Warhost marches forth

Here's your Dragon,  Daenerys.

Hello all!

As I was asked nicely by a friend from the old country, I thought I'd share some photos of my High Elf army so far. It also gives me a reason to skive off painting for a couple nights. I still need to put some snow on a number of bases but I'm holding off until I have a large chunk finished to do it all in one large batch. Anyway, I'm really happy with everything I've done so far, and I think the traditional Caledor colour scheme I'm going with works really nicely and has avoided the cliche colour X and white so many HE armies I see end up with at the moment. It also occurs to me that the lighting in my room is a bit shit for good quality photos so sorry if the colour's are a bit washed out.

This is also a nice way to show that I am not on the Bandwagon, before it arrives and sweeps us all up :-P

Without further ado, The characters.

Lord on Horsey:

Lord on Eagle from Coolminiornot:
I'm Immune to Killing Blow, SUCKAS!!!!!

The Everqueen, who generally stands in as my Level 4 but we shall see if it stays that way:
Booteh shot

BSB on foot:

BSB on Horse (I'm especially happy with this guy):

Hero on foot (or Alith Anar if he's broken :-D):

And now the Core. The reason the army stalled somewhat a few months back...

Archers finished so far (and probably all that ever will be finished now I don't have to have them...):

Maiden Guard, they've been standing in for archers recently as I just love this unit:

I'm sure I'll find a reason to include them in new armies, just because.
Close up of unit filler and standard bearer

Reaver unit 1,Yay they are core now!!!:

Reaver unit 2:

Next the Special choices, surprisingly little is done so far...

Swordmasters of win:

White Lions of fail:

It occurs to me the reason they fail so much is probably cause they aren't finished yet...

Dragon Prince Champion:

And finally the Rares

Sacrifices, or Great Eagles as they are more widely known:

Bolt Throwers:

Theres no crew done cause frankly who actually ever uses them... They'll be done one day but I'll wait til the end before I bother

So thats it, hope you all enjoy them!


  1. This army is looking great so far and I'm really looking forward to seeing more stuff finished. I reckon once it's completed you'll be fighting it out with the other contenders for Player's Choice awards.

  2. And I would really love to see what you have done with the dragon- and especially the Forgeworld Carmine dragon!!
