Thursday, 28 March 2013

VICC-tory Day 2 - the Hobby Killing

SO day 2 dawned, and I felt like winning! mainly because I'd somehow got 12 hours of sleep....

Today was two rounds of doubles and I felt kinda bad for my opponents because me and Greg were playing with quite possiblyu the filthiest combo of armies to ever grace a table... Seriously it waas hobby killing goodness of the highest order!

Combined we had the following:

40 S3 shots from archers
40 S4 AP shots from handgunners
2 Cannons and a S5 GrudgeThrower
3 Eagles and my archers effectively being 4 units of chaff too, plus my chaffmasters and some Trollslayers
Level 4 Heavens (Harmonic Convergence gunline ftw baby!) and level 2 Death (Purple Sun on top?)
+3 dispel dice a turn and 2 scrolls
and to cap it all,
2 massive Stubborn blocks of White Lions and Hammerers, with a Rune of Challenge hero

Yeah, we probably should have been punched in the face...

Round 4: Ringwood - Infantry Vamps and Full Khorne Chaos Warriors

Mission: Meeting Engagement - Some silly effects buffed your characters before the game which we all forgot. My BSB got +T and Armour and Gregs Runelord got +1WS, A, and I or something silly

So the first thing I said to Greg was, "None of that Khorne stuff is making combat with anything but an Eagle", I was almost right. They got 10 archers and some swordmasters too.

Vamp army was:
heinrich, Krell and wight BSB in big block of GG
Big Ghouls
Lvl2 in Skelies
Some zombies and dogs

Khorne was:
Lord and BSB on foot
2 blocks of Khorne Warriors
2 units of Crushers

So pretty much march forward and kill stuff was the plan. Again I forgot photos sorry!


They lined up as on the edge of their deployment and we castled like a boss. Crucially their was a building about a third in from one corner along the centre line which split them in half.

Turn one:

They shoved everything up in our face as much as possible but they put 3 Crushers flank on to a Cannon behind some Dogs. Nothing was cast as the magical vortex of High Elves and Dwarfs came to the fore.

My Lions charged some Dire Wolves that moved up to block them on the short side of the building, Swordies jumped into the building and that was it. After about 15 minutes of explaining the rules of True Line of Sight, they finally allowed us to Cannon the Crushers flank (No Dogs do not block TLoS to the spot for the Cannon ball...) killing 2. we shot a bunch of Soulblighted Ghouls to about half size but the Coach made 2 ward saves from the other cannon and Grudge Thrower. My archers shot some dogs. The Lions killed the dogs and reformed to face the Skellies, and Chaos Warriors coming around the building.

Turn 2:
         The Skeletons and some Warhounds charged my White Lions allowing the Warriors behind to get into the building which I did not see, but oh well. Again I was forced to explain rules for a few minutes as they argued that even if both units were successful, the dogs could charge the middle of my Lions and force fail the skeletons... Skellies failed anyway, but I hate having to argue some of the actually very clearly written rules in Fantasy.  Otherwise the Coach charged the Troll Slayers with Daemon Slayer and everything else moved up a bit further. And the remaining Crusher from the half dead unit charged some bait archers.
         Magic did nothing (see the theme here?).
         The Lions killed the dogs. The Swordies in the building got obliterated but killed about 6 Warriors on the way out and now the Warriors were out of play for a couple turns. Massively though the Coach only killed 2 Slayers on the charge, and took a wound in return. That was one problem suddenly dealt with!

         Our turn we shuffled back where necessary moved out an Eagle to block the 2nd Crusher unit, and then shot some more!
         Magic, think I failed cast early on unfortunately.
         We shot off half of the unit of Warriors not in the building with nearly everything, then proceeded to have yet another 10 minute debate about targetting buildings with Cannons. FYI, yes you can make the point the side of a building. In the end think we killed like 2 warriors. At this stage, I was completely over this game, as I hate having to sit and explain basic rules constantly. I'm not sure they were happy about constantly proving them wrong either as this was the only round we didn't get best Sports for the record...
        Anyway, in combat the Troll Slayers smashed the Coach to pieces to everyone's surprise. (Wounding on 4s helps alot!), and my bait archers finally gapped it from the lone Crusher.

Turn 3:

        The GG bus charges the Trollslayers as they now aren't blocked by the Coach. The halved Warriors with Lord/BSB and Ghouls both declare longish charges at the Thunderers on our left flank, losing another 5 Warriors (after yet another debate about the order of S&S and Hold declarations.) Ghouls make it, Warriors fail. We debate for a while whether the Warriors can get out of the building but they decide to pop out for safety on the far side after the TO tells us we are running low on time. Full Crusher unit kills a budgie.
        Magic, nothing
        In combat, the Ghouls, and thunderers have a slap fest. but the GG bus demolishes the TrollSlayers overrunning into some Chaffmasters right behind them.

       Our Turn 3 and all good so far, but we are struggling to finish anything off. I turn the Lions to threaten the GG bus if they wanna come forward. The Thunderers on the left flank charge the lone Crusher to our opponents surprise, they'd left them with a flank charge and only 5 Thunderers could see so why not!?
We shuffled everything else out of the way of the GG bus and leave them a choice of Hammerers and White Lions.
      Magic, I 6 dice big Soulblight ftw baby! best spell in Death btw. then Harmonic Converge my Swordmasters
      Shooting doesn't do much as everything useful is in combat
      Swordmasters kill about 10 GG and 2 two wounds to Krell, but I lose them all.  and the GG after much pondering go for the Hammerers. Probably the wise choice as at least they go at the same time. Acceptable exchange I think. Thunderer/Ghoul combat continues to be full of fail, but the lone Crusher gets run off the board.
Turn 4: and last turn

     Graveguard charge the Hammerers. Full crushers charge another Eagle. Everything else moves back to save  points.
     Magic, nothing
     The Graveguard/Hammerer combat results in Krell, the Runelord, and the BSB dieing, but not much else.  Greg non-chalantly passes his Stubborn 9 test while I shit bricks! Thunderer/Ghoul combat is still full of fail (seriously the most embarrasing combat I've ever seen, and I've seen Eagles kill stuff...). Eagle dies a noble death.

      Our turn and we try to figure out where to get points, which comes down to Killing the GG bus, as we don't have enough tools in the right places to get anything else. The White Lions however decide to fail a 10inch charge to flank the Bus, damn!
      Magic, I start spamming spells on the combat. end result, GG have Iceshard Blizzard, and Soulblight on them but Convergence and Midnight Wind are dispelled. 4 good cheap buff spells ftw!
      We don't shoot a thing as we don't wanna blow up warmachines given at this stage we only really have a 300ish point lead...
      Combat, The Ghouls finally decide to go nuts killing about 6-7 Thunderers and without a BSB needing 3s to pass Greg rolls a 3. Like a Boss! In the major combat, my spells prove the difference, as the GG roll an absurd number of 3s to hit (+1hit banner if you're wondering why that matters) then alot of 2s to wound killing like 2 dwarfs. Meanwhile the Hammerers kill all of the remaining GG and Greg wins combat by just enough to perfectly pop Heinrich and the BSB. BEAUTIFUL!

And that is that, we escaped with a big win from a game that was looking draw all over.

Nick and Ben smashed up their opponents too and Hampton destroyed Monash, so suddenly it was all to play for! Just win the last round boys!

Round 5: Grots(?), Ian running Double Chaos Warriors

Mission: Dawn Attack, claim table 1/8ths

So we got one guy playing two Chaos Warrior armies, and they were both fairly soft armies at that. Me and Greg had to go through Army 2 twice to make sure we weren't missing something.

Army 1:

Level 4 Nurgle
BSB Nurgle
Big block of Nurgle Warriors
2 Nurgle Chariots
Nurgle Knights

Army 2:
Level 4 Fire
Big block of Warriors
Block of Marauders
Marauder Horsemen
2 units of Knights

So this may have been my most unenjoyable victory in the history of warhammer. Not becuase of rules issues or anything like that but because we shot the living fuck out of Ians armies to the point it was embarrassing for me to be there... Gregs warmachines missed once and that was turn 5. Warriors had one substantial combat that was even remotely in their favour and fluffed.

Rather than even bother giving a detailed account, I'll summarise the pain.

Turn 1: Chain Lightning killed half of each Knight unit. Shooting killed the rest of one unit. Also took off all his dogs and all but one Horseman. Cannon did 4 wounds to Hellcannon.

Turn 2: the two units of 3 Knights charged 7 swordmasters, who proceed to take them all off. Shaggoth killed some archers before getting hit by Hammerers in the face.

Turn 3: Comet kills half of the unmarked Warriors, Shooting kills everything else in the unit but the BSB. Cannon kills a Chariot. My Level 4 however Cascades, and takes off 10 White Lions ( I informed Greg of the 100% chance of this happening the turn before but she had nowhere else to go, after the Hellcannon took off most of her archer bunker).

Turn 4: A Nurgle Chariot kills some Chaffmasters, then gets taken off by archers in combat. We shoot the Marauders to death then Rune of Challenge the Level 4 fire mage into the remaining White Lions.

Turn 5: I'm not sure there was much left at this stage...

The face of a broken man...

So yup, that my friends is how you ruin a hobby. Ian took it like a champ though. We even offered to let him punch Greg in the face but he wouldn't take it. Poor choice imo...

Ben and Nick got stuck with a draw, but it was enough to win the round and the rest is history.

For the record, Hampton, Monash and Shirts off all ended on 4-1, but the tiebreaker was decided to be sports and we got so many more votes than any other team it wasn't funny. Apparently we make ruining hobbies fun!

Anyway thats all folks, thanks for skipping to this point. I might give some thoughts on my list at a later date.

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